
Showing posts from July, 2020

When to Go to an Emergency Room in Case of Flu

Health professionals do not consider the flu to be an emergency, especially among children and young adults. However, for people aged 65 and above, the flu can be deadly.   People with the risk factors and experience severe symptoms such as fever, body aches, and chills should not hesitate to visit an emergency room . Early treatment helps you to avoid the risk of developing bacterial pneumonia, other respiratory infections, and death.   Symptoms Early flu symptoms are running nose and sore throat. However, as the flu progresses the symptoms worsen. The symptoms might vary among ages. The common flu symptoms in adults include: Shortness of breath or difficulties breathing Pressure and pain on your chest Frequent dizziness episodes Severe or persistent vomiting Flu-like signs that appear, subside and reappear It is hard to identify flu in children, especially infants. However, they might portray the followings signs: Fast and troubled breathing Loss of