
Showing posts from December, 2020

Artrial Fibrillation: Why Is My Heart Beating Fast?

 A rapid and irregular heartbeat characterizes atrial fibrillation. Atria, the upper chambers of the heart beat in a turbulent manner out of sync with the lower sections, ventricles. Atrial fibrillation can occur in four ways that include: Non- habitual- symptoms appear for a short time and disappear. They last for a few minutes up to hours. In that event, it is called paroxysmal Stubborn- with this kind, an episode doesn't return to normal without intervention. This situation calls for a visit to an emergency room near you for treatment  Long-standing persistent- in this case, the heart rhythm is uncoordinated continuously for more than 12 months Lasting- the symptoms exhibited are permanent, and heart rhythm stays abnormal. The condition can only be managed by constant medication What Are the Causes? Injury to the heart's tissues and abnormalities trigger most cases. Possible reasons for atrial fibrillation include: High blood pressure Unusual heart valves Congenital dis