Foreign Body Removals in Waco, Texas


When thinking about a trip to the ER, the last thing on your mind is that it is because there is a foreign object stuck in your body. Such accidents are however more common than you may think. Children especially are at high risk of having a foreign object lodged somewhere in their body. Most common foreign objects enter the body through the mouth or are inserted through openings such as the nose, ears, eyes, and even in private body parts. They may include coins, beads, buttons, marbles, nails, batteries, dirt, small toy parts, and contraceptive devices.

Foreign body removal is necessary to ensure that the lodged object does not cause an infection or damage to the part of the body where it is trapped in. At Express ER in Waco, we use a variety of methods to remove foreign objects, depending on their location. We have a skilled team and the latest technology to provide you with quality and reliable urgent care in Waco. For items trapped inside the body such as in the airways and digestive tract, X-rays or CT scans can be used to point their exact location. They can then be retrieved using an endoscope or open surgery. For simple removals, tweezers, gentle suction, rubber catheters, and irrigation method are used.

Quickly go to an ER near you if you have a foreign body and it is:

  • Restricting the airway
  • Stuck in the eye
  • Very sharp
  • Potentially poisonous
  • Causing the person to choke, turn blue, or have difficulty breathing
  • Causing discomfort

If any of the above explains your situation, do not wait long before visiting our emergency room in 76710.  It is also advisable not to attempt to remove any foreign objects that are trapped far too in or can be potentially harmful such as shards of glass.

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